

KAFU (可不, 音楽的同位体 可不) is a Japanese Song Voice developed by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO in collaboration with the virtual singer KAF, and was released for CeVIO AI in July 2021. She is part of the Musical Isotope Project.

cevio ai 搭载了cevio项目开发的歌声和语音合成技术,可以利用最新的ai技术以前所未有的准确度再现人类的语音质量、习惯、唱歌和说话,是一款全新的声音创作软件。

本文介绍了CeVIO AI编辑器和声库的优缺点、基本功能和操作方法,以及如何使用AI调校和音素输入。CeVIO AI是一款基于HTS和Sinsy引擎、DNN技术的新型语音和歌唱合成软件,支持多种声库和语言。

CeVIO Creative Studio (チェビオ, pronounced che-ˈvē-ˈo) is a commercial vocal synthesizer product capable of both speech and singing synthesis. Originally released on September 26th, 2013. CeVIO Creative Studio won two awards in 2013, the "MicrosoftⓇ Innovation Award 2013" and the "CEDEC Award".

ROSE (ローズ) is a Japanese Song Voice developed and distributed by Bushiroad Inc., and released for CeVIO AI in December 2022. She is based on the multimedia project BanG Dream! vocalist Minato Yukina, and is part of the BanG Dream!

CeVIO AI is the successor to CeVIO Creative Studio. It was announced in December 2018 and is capable of both speaking and singing and utilizes deep learning technology. The editor itself was released January 27, 2021 and formally released January 29 with Yuzuki Yukari Rei.

CeVIO Creative Studio 7は、音声を作成するためのソフトウェアです。無料体験版では、30日間のライセンスを利用できますが、ボイスや機能に制限があります。製品の購入やダウンロード版の紹介もあります。

Install and Activate. Original article: CeVIO AI ユーザーズガイド ┃ インストールと認証. To use this product, connect to the Internet, then follow the steps below: Download the latest version from the "New Features" page; Double click the downloaded file to run it.

UNI (ユニ, also known as UNI-chan ユニちゃん, codename: CCD-0001) is an upcoming Japanese Talk and Song Voice to be developed by U-Stella Inc. in collaboration with Techno-Speech, Inc., and released for CeVIO AI. Her voice provider is the Japanese voice actress and singer Kohara Riko (小原莉子). UNI is...

flower (フラワ), known as Ci flower (シィ フラワー) for CeVIO, is a Japanese Song Voice developed by INCS Toenter Co., Ltd. in collaboration with Gynoid Co., Ltd. and Techno-Speech, Inc., and was released for CeVIO AI in March 2023. Her voice provider is unrevealed. Ci flower is officially regarded as...

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